How To Prepare The Walls Before Painting

Four simple steps to prepare and clean masonry, cement, or plate wall, whether new or with previous hands, all before applying the new paint. Here are some steps to prepare the wall before painting it. In the first steps, it is contemplated that the surface has old hands of paint. 

Remove Loose Paint And Mildew


Remove Paint

On previously painted surfaces, you’ll need to start by removing paint that isn’t adhering. Carefully remove with a putty knife so as not to cause further damage to the wall 


Use Sandpaper

. You can then sand with fine sandpaper (120-200 grit) to smooth and even the edges.

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Treat Mold

Another frequent problem is mold, which can reappear after applying the paint coat, so it is essential to eliminate it before it causes problems.

 Mold on walls frequently originates in areas with ambient humidity and poor ventilation. And it disappears easily when washed with a damp cloth with bleach or bleach, always letting the area dry properly before painting.

Repair Holes And Cracks

It is very difficult to find a wall in perfect condition. There are always small indentations, scratches, and cracks that will not favor the good look and will be more noticeable if you paint with satin paint, for example.

Sandpaper (Only If Necessary), Remove Dust, And Clean

You should only sand if the wall has previous hands or if it is a fine cement plaster.


Use Putty Knife

On previously painted surfaces, you’ll need to start by removing paint that isn’t adhering. Carefully remove with a putty knife so as not to cause further damage to the wall 


Use Drywall

Never sand on drywall or plasterboard, except at joints and where putty has been applied. In these cases, the surface is already suitable for painting.

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Remove Dust

Whether sanded or not, you should always clean to remove all traces of dust that could harm the adhesion and good finish of the next coats of paint.


Use Fine Bristles

 For this, use a brush or broom with fine bristles. To finish, go over with a dry cotton cloth.

Apply A Sealer Primer

A fixative or sealer, also called a wall primer, has advantages. Mainly it seals the wall so that it absorbs less paint, covering the previous color better and spending less. That is why applying a sealant is essential in new walls, crack repairs, and walls that have not been painted for a long time.

The sealer is used just like paint, with a brush and roller, diluted according to the directions on the package. Let dry the necessary hours before the first coat of the final product.

If you have followed the steps, everything is ready to paint the walls with the color you want and the most suitable paint. Preparing the surface can be cumbersome and undesirable, but it is necessary for the best result.

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